Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Unit 1 - Lesson 2: Competencies of a Trainer and/or Assessor


At the end of the session, you should be able to:
  • Determine the skills and knowledge that a trainer or assessor should have
  • Explain required skills as a trainer and or assessor


As you progress through this lesson, you should keep in mind the skills and knowledge required to become a competent trainer. Remember that awareness of your skills and capabilities will help you make informed choices.

Basic and Core Competencies

Listed are the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required of Trainers Methodology (TM) Level I 1:
Basic Competencies (or skills and knowledge that everyone needs for work):

  • Lead workplace Communication
  • Apply math and science principles in technical training
  • Apply environmental principles and advocate conservation
  • Utilize IT applications in technical training
  • Lead small teams
  • Apply work ethics, values and quality principles
  • Work effectively in vocational education and training
  • Foster and promote a learning culture
  • Ensure a healthy and safe learning environment
  • Maintain and enhance professional practice
  • Develop and promote appreciation for cost-benefits of technical training
  • Develop and promote global understanding of labor market

Core Competencies (or specific skills and knowledge needed in TM1):

  • Plan training sessions
  • Facilitate learning sessions
  • Supervise work-based learning
  • Conduct competency assessment
  • Maintain training facilities
  • Utilize electronic media in facilitating training

1 Training Regulation Framework

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